sit down, stand up

Apr 07, 2008 23:53

Oh man, i am so slow at this and i didn't even finish. But it is fun! And difficult, for being entirely made up of arbitrary, subjective lists. IT'S THE QUANTIFYING THAT MAKES IT HARD! ...I'm so lame i'm agonizing over a livejournal meme like it's a doctoral thesis. "WHICH SHIPPY SCENE IS BETTER?!??!?? I'd better assign point values and make a chart."

Top Five HIMYM Episodes

This is kinda random because really i love pretty much every episode. Ergh!

5. Arrivederci, Fiero
4. Swarley
3. How I Met Everyone Else
2. The Pineapple Incident
1. Slap Bet (GEE, YA THINK?)

Top Five Fanart I've Made






(...counts as one! it's a diptych, okay.)

Top Five Things To Do On Rainy Sunday Mornings

5. Go through my piles of old magazines tearing out articles/pictures of interest. I keep folders of pictures for no apparent reason except that i like tangible paper things??!? I fool myself into thinking i will have some crafty artistic use for them or put them on my wall someday or SOMETHING. But obviously that's a lie. A LIIIIIIIIIIE. I DRINK FROM A GOBLET OF SHATTERED DREAMS AND FALSE HOPES.
4. Crossword puzzles. I love them.
3. Play my DS. More specifically, the games i play most often: Animal Crossing (HECK YES IT IS MY CRACK), Mario 64, Yoshi's Island, and Cooking Mama (too effin' hard, i hate you Mama!!!!!)
2. Internetting! Although that is a top thing i do... whenever i have free time. D'oh.
1. STAY IN BED. Isn't that everyone's favorite?

Top Five Episodes of Avatar

Runners Up: The Blue Spirit, The Fortuneteller, Bitter Work, The Serpent's Pass
5. The Warriors of Kyoshi
4. Zuko Alone
3. The Blind Bandit
2. The Cave of Two Lovers
1. The Siege of the North (...counts as one!!!!)
(, putting those in order sucked. THEY'RE ALL MY FAVORITE, OKAY! I DON'T KNOW!!)

Top Five Boy Heroes

5. Doug Funnie - Despite not having seen Doug in a very long time, as an adult(?!?) i always find myself relating back to that show. It was so happy and cute and identifiable, and Doug kept a journal and had wild daydreams and always IMAGINED himself as a hero but really he was one: the average kid kind!
4. Aaaaaaang - Because it is impossible to say his name without extending it into an exclamation! AAAAAAAAAAANG. So adorable and hilarious and sad and kickass and he infiltrated the Fire Nation with DANCING. (............................Princess Tutu? THE END, THANK YOU AND GOOD NIGHT)
3. Harry Potter - AW JEEZ, THAT KID.
2. Fakir - Probably one of the best kinds of hero is the kind who seems like a total jerk at first but in actuality is brave and noble and 100% AWESOME (<3 <3 <3 misdirection!). AND MAYBE TURNS INTO A TREEEEEEEEEE AT SOME POINT.
1. Will Parry - Hmmm let me think DUH. Wins at the universe, the end.

Top Five BSG Screencaps

Runners Up
(SHUUUT IT, THIS WAS REALLY HARD. I was only absolutely, completely sure about #1 and 2! Also these are pretty much exclusively from season one because those are the most caps i have and also i think it was maybe prettier than the other seasons. maybe. i had to restrain myself from including fifty more caps. I AM REWATCHING AND SUDDENLY I CARE ABOUT BSG AGAIN.)






AHGSAHGDF OF ALL TIME. Seeing this shot in one of nullsechs' icons is one of the things that originally made me want to watch the show, for realz. THE LIGHTING AND THEIR PRETTY FACES AND THEIR UNIFORMS AND AND AND. OH, PILOTS.

Conclusion: Hand of God is the prettiest episode ever. Also: shut up with your JAWLINE, Jamie Bamber, I AM SERIOUS.

picspam, memememe

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