my university called. it wants its bachelor's degree back.

Sep 02, 2007 01:05

Since recently being awakened to the death of my creativity (WOO YEAH LOVE BEING AN ARTIST) and clicking around deviantart feeling shamed by just about everyone on there, i've been making an attempt to draw more. Which hasn't been working out toooooo well since i TOTALLY FREAKING SUCK at drawing stuff straight out of my imagination and i am way out of practice. Not cool. :| I also finally got a tablet, so i've been tooling around with that and trying to, uhm, suck less. The following is a random assortment of scanned and tablet drawings and doodles. All of the fanart persuasion. Because it is how i roll.

Trying out color on a drawing i did a couple years ago. That is still almost exactly how i imagine Umbridge's face. XD

Do itsy-bitsy teeny-tiny inconsequential Deathly Hallows spoilers still need a warning? I DON'T KNOW. I'll link to it anyway, it's just a line that made me laugh. Also: Parry Otter, the Chosen Boy! HERE

This is not really anything like the image of Hermione i have in my head. OH WELL!

HEY LOOK, TERRIBLE DRAWINGS! The Rose sketch is how i envision her reaction to Ten making out with Martha five seconds after he meets her. :D

Dexter was pretty freaking great! I've been playing a lot of Lego Star Wars lately! Q.E.D.

Annnnd an actual finished drawing that took longer than i'd like to say. I had to redo the outline like fifty times. >_<


For those of you who don't watch Avatar (which is, i think, most of you??), basically every animal in it is a combination of animals from our world! FOR EXAMPLE, the Platypus Bear or the Rabbiroo (rabbit/kangaroo!). With one hilariously hilarious exception being a regular bear that has appeared. So anyway i made one up based on the symbolism i was going for with the drawing. Of course, going through screencaps after i did this i discovered there was already what looks to be a fox antelope on the show (antelope fox? foxelope? ahahaha a fox deer is FEER. :D), so... i'm lame. BUT ANYWAY. Hey, when Suki turns out to have been killed by Azula I AM GONNA BE SO SAD. :( :( :( I just... i mean... i know she has only been in like three episodes but i love her so much! And she is my favorite Sokka 'ship! Also, Sokka/Toph. And Sokka/Yue. And Sokka/Ty Lee. And Sokka/Boomerang. Sokka/Hallucinogenic Cactus Water. Sokka/Ideas. Sokka/The World. Sokka/THE UNIVERSE. Basically Sokka by himself or in combination with anything! But ESPECIALLY Suki.

harry potter, star wars, art, doctor who, avatar, the office, dexter

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