Nov 12, 2008 10:02
Yo. This is me updating for the sake of updating. lol.
Haven't really gotten use to using LJ, but I'm geting there. I'm more in tune with a message board/forum format, but y'know. Whatever. All in good time.
First order of business, YAY for President-elect Obama! I voted for the first time this election and my candidate won!
Now, let's see...
I saw Bill Maher's Religilous a couple weeks ago. Very poignant movie. Has a very propaganda-like ending, but it's still funny as hell. Now let me make one thing clear: I am not against religion. You wanna believe in something? Go right ahead. Just leave me out of it. Like George Carlin said (RIP) "Thou shalt keep thy religion to thy self". It's defiantly thought provoking as it explores Religion's role not just in American society, but all over the world. He talks to some very interesting people (and some real weirdos) and even gets thrown out of the Vatican! Ha! Bill you are so special. I have now declared myself a Libertarian!
In other news: I'm trying to become a sort of free lance artist. I have one guy offering to send clients my way if I do this header for his website for free. Still working on it. I'll post more after I send it to him.
I'm also trying to learn to sculpt! Oh man it's a lot harder then I ever thought it might. Maybe I should try modleing something bigger then a quarter so my big old thumbs don't ruin it by pressing too hard. Man, I need to take a class or something. lol
What else is there...?
I also saw the Duchess. Very good movie. If you liked Pride and Prejudice or Marie Antoinette, you'll love this too. I'm a fan of Period pieces. I'm also looking forward to seeing the movie Milk with Sean Penn. I've only recently been aware of Harvey Milk's story and just reading about it makes me infuriated not just at the atrocity of his murder, but of the still lingering prejudice that hangs over our society today.
I suppose that'll do for now.
As always, be good and eat your vegetables!
bill maher religilous artist flree-lance