Jul 05, 2003 23:59
I think I'm going mad?
After I wrote something to myself, Jason, and Luci, I called Jason and discussed computer plans.
I hate how everything happens without my permission.
Tom's trying to make me go to a onference that'll cost me more then I'll make, i.e., I'll be fucked up and don the alley.
So, I might quit tomorrow,m which will suck, because I actually did want to fill my next week with appointments, i.e. money.
Fucking CutCO.
I'm not going to participate in anything that tears money from my pockets.
Went to the F.Q. with Andrew, Robyn, and Jermy today. It was cool hanging out with her, it's going to be even better that I'l live closer to her then all the dumb twats that live here....no offense?
Almost went to David's apartment tonight again.
I want to talk to Joe before I leave. And I have to let David know that I can't be nothing but his friend.
And Katie, poor Katie, blegh.
My sister's home. I'm going to snort coke and blow my brains out with a bubble blower.