past the halfway point -- observations on the UK (and some comparisons)

Sep 24, 2005 12:39

I've been over here for just over three months now. Let us put into perspective some of the things I've found over here, how they compare up to the States, and my overall take (good/bad/whatever).

This leaves a lot to be desired. The urinals in the mens' room automatically flush at some predefined interval. Most sinks have separate hot and cold taps. BAD

230 V, 50 Hz service. Plugs are large and all fused. Outlets (called "points") have switches on them. The entire residence is on an RCD circuit, meaning if there is an escape of current to ground (like a GFI), the circuit breaker will trip. However, you run the risk of having a fuse blow or circuit breaker trip when a light bulb blows. GOOD

Roads are generally in excellent condition. Speeding is often the norm, except around here on the tourist routes, where the stupid caravans are doing 40 mph in the 60 mph zone. Motorways are a free-for-all with traffic going 80+ mph usually. Signage is excellent. Roundabouts are everywhere -- traffic lights are a rarity, except for some areas where roundabouts wouldn't fit or pedestrian crossings. Speed cameras exist in some places (except North Yorkshire!) -- large amounts of controversy over those as to whether or not they actually save lives (I believe they change your focus from the road to the spedometer, meaning that large tree next to the camera will be welcoming your car shortly). Extensive train and bus services -- too bad I haven't had ample time to try those out... GOOD

If you're not lucky enough to be in reception range for FreeView, you're out of luck -- BBC One, BBC Two, ITV1, Channel 4 and five are all you get. However, at least with FreeView you get other over-the-air channels (like BBC Three, BBC Four, ITV2, ITV3, BBC News 24, etc etc). Program quality leaves a bit to be desired usually (but then again, so does American television). Local news gets relegated to a half-hour show at 6:30pm and fifteen minutes (if that!) at 10:25pm. We would have gone with satellite television, except for the stupid twelve month minimum term. NEUTRAL

Overpriced with lousy BT customer service. Luckily, the one time our phone was out, we could forward our calls to a mobile phone -- but then the bastards at BT charged us for the one call forwarded while their stupid line was out. Incoming telephone calls to a mobile are free at least. DSL was through another provider to avoid BT's twelve month minimum term, but there's a cancellation fee involved at the end. BAD

You can't deposit money at ATMs. Bank hours are limited -- I've seen one bank that's open from 9:00am until 4:30pm. Getting your ATM card PIN set up, or on-line banking takes an eternity. BAD

Supermarkets are an interesting breed. The larger ones also sell home electronics and clothing. Twenty-four hour opening is a misnomer -- this means "we're open from 8am Monday until 10pm Saturday, then 10am Sunday until 4pm Sunday". Enclosed malls are a bit rare -- we found one in Gateshead that I believe is the largest in the UK (must be if it has a train station attached!). Leeds has a smaller one also. Other stores found in smaller towns -- you're lucky if you can get to them if you work long/late hours. Radio Shack doesn't exist here, but Maplin Electronics is excellent -- provided you can find them without getting lost in Leeds. NEUTRAL

Postal Service
Odd. They charge to forward mail if you move. They charge to hold your mail while on vacation. They're being privatized. Forget that racket. To them, the words "Post Office" are a trademark of Royal Mail plc. BAD

Black pudding? Haggis? Blech. And what the hell is with cheddar everywhere? CHEDDAR CHEESE DOES NOT BELONG IN PIZZA! At least Yorkshire Pudding is excellent. Sticky toffee pudding is awesome also. Microwave meals yield interesting things (microwave Indian food? Roast Lamb Dinner?). I don't eat fish, so Fish & Chips is lost on me. However, frying up chicken in that batter works for me. GOOD

Public Health
Some please introduce anti-smoking legislation over here, please. I feel like I'm losing years off my life being over here in restaurants. In addition, apparently someone needs to get a chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous over here -- walking down the streets over here at night on a Friday or Saturday guarantees being accosted by drunks. BAD

If you hear a language over here other than English, it must be a tourist from the Continent. Plus, EVERYTHING is in English -- none of this bi-lingual crap like Florida or Massachusetts. (Okay, okay, they dual-language everything in Wales -- but it's not Spanish.) GOOD

(Warning: Unabashed, biased opinion forthcoming.) They hate GWB over here. They think that the US Government is currently ruining the world (failing to sign the Kyoto treaty, invading Iraq). My kind of people. GOOD

At least they have ice hockey. American football didn't survive well (WLAF / NFL Europe). Soccer abounds. Cricket is mistifying... NEUTRAL

NEUTRAL I admit it, there are still too many things I like about North America...


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