Day Full of Fun!

Dec 06, 2008 22:57

Okay...well this first part is just a rant. If you are in a line in a grocery store, see another line, think it's open and leave the original line to go there, you forfeit your place. Period. When another person walks up to the line you were in, and is basically there, and you cut in from the side and say "Sorry, I was here for a really long time, and just left because I thought she was open, but she's not." It doesn't make cutting in line okay. You weren't even asking me for your place back. You were telling me "It was mine, and I'm taking it back!" I didn't get into it with you because I'm not that kind of person, I was trying to be nice, and it wasn't worth getting heated over. So even though I'm angry about it internally and think you were rude and pushy and out of line, I say it's okay and try to just ignore it. When you keep apologizing and even say "Sorry, I was just here for so long, but I feel bad because I feel like I cut you off or something." IT'S BECAUSE YOU DID CUT ME OFF!!! You WERE rude. You's just making you look more like an idiot by continuing to go on and on about it because it shows that you obviously knew you were wrong, yet whenever you try to apologize you keep trying to justify your actions. Not working. No I am not going to paint a sunshine smile on and pretend as though you were in no way wrong. Saying "it's okay" and being civil is the best you can get from me. Apologize, drop it, let it go, like I was trying to do. In 5 minutes, we both would have forgotten about it.


In other news my family went to see Shanna's ballroom dance performance tonight. My dad, mommy, and Sierra went to the 2pm show and I was going to go to the 7pm one by myself...however Sierra really wanted to go to the other one too and we had more tickets, so I told her if she was completely in charge of all 3 kids that we would have to take because mommy and daddy needed to go to sleep that we could all go. She agreed. Anyway...I realized a few things. One, guys who dance, especially ballroom dance, are HOT. They definitely earn points for it. Two, I'm jealous that Shanna has ballroom as an option and that SHS never offered it. Three, I really want to learn to dance, at least to try it out. I think that learning to ballroom dance would be fun. I love watching it and I think it would be interesting to at least attempt it. Shanna looked great too. Very red and sparkly. She did the swing dance with her class. And...that's about it. I had a good time though, for sure and loved watching the beauty and creativity of it all.
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