(no subject)

May 29, 2005 01:14

I think I may have found someone that will actually be worth being with...he's the sweetest guy ever....aaahhh...here's how it happened...

so...I'm always at Wal-Mart...and there is always this really cute guy that works back in the electronics department...I've always looked at him everytime he's there cuz...well...he's really cute.

ok...so Sherrie works there also...Sherrie is my best friend...and on Wednesday night, I was back printing off some digital photos sherrie and I took together....and the next thing I know, the cute guy is walking towards us....Sherrie goes...he's so cute... I wish he liked girls. I was like WHAT!!!! I had NO idea he was gay...and Sherrie goes..."yeah...I just found out!" I was like...he's so cute...I want to get to know him

right after this, she decides to go TALK to him...in doing so, it makes me always go talk to him! I just stood there...I had no idea what to say! we left...cuz I was stupid...and then yesterday came!

Thursday was graduation...afterwards, Sherrie and I went to McDonalds with some of our other friends...I didn't really want to be there so I told Sherrie I wanted to leave...so we left...on my way home, I said "lets stop at WalMart and see if Baldo...that's his name...don't laugh...he's latino....was working" and she said OK! We got there, and sure enough he was working! He came up to us and said he was about to get off of work...so we stuck around until he did...it was fun! he talked to me! the first time I saw him and sherrie talked to him, sherrie told me after he left that he would mention me the next day...it was cute...but anyways!

When he clocked out, we walked around for a bit and talked. Then we went outside and talked for a while...I told Sherrie I was hungry and needed to get something to eat. I told Sherrie I wanted to go home and get some food...then! sherrie told Baldo to come to my house! and he said ok!!!!

so we get to my house and then we decided we wanted McDonalds...so we went there...he paid for me!!! After that, we went back to my house...my room...and sherrie Baldo and I watched the Ring. I was next to Baldo on the bed and it was nice...we started holding hands and playing with each others fingers. After the movie I took Sherrie home and Baldo and I went back to my room...we cuddled and he kissed me and we feel asleep in each others arms...we didn't wake up until 6:30 am....and then he left...but we're going to see each other again...I gave him my number!

then later that day, when I was at work, he came in and he saw me and just had a big smile on his face...which caused me to get a huge ass smile on my face that wouldn't go away! I loved it!

Today, I went to walmart to see him :) and he was dusting off some things...when he saw me, he got a big grin again...it was cute...we talked for a while and when I went to leave, he went to say goodbye and tell me to have a great night...but he kept stumbling over his words...

Does this mean he like me? or am I just dreaming again?
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