Jun 08, 2005 22:11
How about great! Been working on the hot air balloons with ze Germans and its been a lot of fun. Going for our second launch tonight. Found an x-box on the side of the road, perfect condition, all it needs is a controler and a power cable, so yeah, we are all going to split our prize and leave it at Skyview (my commune) to play as we wish. We also took a nice trip to the roof of Diffenbaugh, that place is absolutely beautiful, awesome view of the city. So I guess these last few days have been pretty awesome. Plan on having dinner with John tomorrow night, so thats good, life is good, everything is good, and I don't spend a cent on it. In other words, I don't spend much money anymore and my checking account thanks me, and honestly, I'm having 100 times more fun without spending money. The company of a few friends, a few beers and coffee are more then enough. So I guess thats how I am. Oh, and talked to Juliette a lot of late. Both yesterday and today. Can't wait to finally get down and see ya! Tschus!