This is an old post I made when my comp was offline. putting it up now.

Dec 31, 2004 14:51

Hey guys... this was written Saterday morning (November).... I'm slightly incopacatated right now.. well.. maybe more than so, seeming that its 4:54 Am as I see it write now, and Writting to nothing because my internet is offline right now... (i'm saveing this for later btw so this is going to be in the past compared to when it is posted...

Anywho... I'm chilling out in my loft wondering what the hell I'm doing.... Teddy = negatively stimulated, and doing my best to fight off these typo demons. I can feel my body at a less than 100% reaction time, and for the first time I really don't think it is as enjoyable as I chalked it up to be... Yeah I can handle, but then again if a 9ft Senton Bomb to a car door frame didn't take me out, I don't think a lil bit of mischieve will harm me any more that what I can shrug off anyways.... but who knows.... I'm not in the best of condition that I can find myself to be.

Yeah I've lost weight over the summer and have kept it off since that point and can almost see muscles rippling from my midsection, but what does that matter if indulge in the wrond things and throw that balance a monkey rench to the cogs of fate..... A whole lot I've come to find out..... If I begin doing something and find that it works for me, I need to stick to what i'm doing now to atleast keep up with the results that I've gotten. I'm doing a lot better with stability now, and I'm sad that I'm not doing anything with my life at the moment... One of my friends is railing me about the whole job thing, and I'm just sitting by and doing nothing out of the routine of wakeing up, playing some video games and going to school..... after getting back, more video games it is.. I've accumulated 80+ hours in the past month or so with Breath of Fire IV since my lil bro pointed out that I still have a PS1 to mess with. its awesome because I've really been keeping tabs on my characters and makeing sure that they can be at the best precise level of stats that they can achieve for that point in the game. I have the wierdest way of being able to draw comparisons from something that "should'nt" be compared to real life, but I see manages to some how. in other words I can take a lesson learned from a video game and apply it to my life... infact, thats how I've go0ne about for the last 10 or so years of my life.... I guess I kindof fucked up with were to learn life lessons huh? heh.. its all good.

It really has helped me so far, but I'm gonna be dealing with some more real to life actions from now on. I've bulked up but just a smidge since I've been useing the free weighs me and my father brought over from the old house. I now have some slight arm definition. Going back a few seconds ago from the learning from video game things...... if I were a video game character, and if I were to check my stats/// I'm at a lower level than what I can see myself to be, and that annoys me..... so I'm makeing the concious decision right now to truely fix that.... I can do a front flip without my hands.... I want to do a hell of a lot more than that, and If I need to do that I can see what I need to do in order to do so... So shall it be .....

Hey lookit that... I'm rambling. wee. ok... so anyways... School is doing great... all A's save for an A- in school. woopdy doo.. nightschool. yay for me... bleck... Still haven't recieved my liscense yet. who would've though that I would run late with something important like that?...... Ggggrrrr.... Seeing the truth for what it is can hurt... but hey. I can deal with hurt... what am I gona do though.. sulk about it? fuck that man.. I'm gonna start doing something about it now.

I've been finding myself procrastinating lot as of late with the 80+ hours I could have been doing something else. oh wait,... right.. I've been doing workouts during game play... so atleast its not all bad... Heh.. i'm turning a negative to a positive. woot to that huh?

I'm listening to a live recording CD that has one of the most grotesque acts of playing the bass that I've ever listen to... did I say grotesque? your damn right... Victor Wooten in absolutley phemonimal on this CD. Amazing Grace in harmonics whilew playing a bass line to it meanwhile, be it after about 2 minutes worth of 128th notes on the bass consecutively. It's just crazy man.

ok well.. I have no idea what I want to do, and looking at the clock saying that its 5:25am isn't so reassuring....... I want to hold someone right now..... heh.... oh well. I'll deal with that one later.

Love you all.
- Guy in disguise even to himself.....


I'm makeing the resolution to go on an ATLEAST 3 month break from MJ and alcohol. My body really needs that. I'm setting up a small workout program for myself that should get me jacked for summer. That'll be nice. I'm also getting back into playing guitar and vocals more. I've been slacking since last spring. lets see.. what else... oh right..

Jeff and I are doing another duo set at The Sad this comming weekend. Me and him haven't done anything and a while, and its awesome when I get to play with him. The kid is going to become something phenominal and I think its pretty bas-ass that he WANTS to do these gigs with me. Yeah I can play half decent on guitar, but I've got nothing compared to him. Good times though. We practiced on wednesday and got a few new ideas out of the way. This gig should turn out to be really nice. so anyone who see's this. Drop on by and give us some support. If you know any music agents... Have them drop on by aswell *wink wink* heh heh heh.. alright guys. Catch y'all later.
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