Nov 29, 2005 15:13

In response to thelucyfurr and slapsomeone, I'd like to let you all in LJ land know that this is not a quiz. No, I didn't fall for it. Go here to find out what it's all about (link is to the site's main page, not one of the bogus quizzes).

Here's what gave you two away, 1) you posted no quiz results of your own, and 2) the urls each of you posted differed (one ends in love.cgi?id=1133294068fpw an the other in love.cgi?id=1133290704smx). Also, the Firefox extension "NoScript" helps the script your links sent us to to not run. I recommend "NoScript" to everyone in LJ land.

Why am I ruining this for you you ask? Why be a prick about it you ask? Because I feel that sites and shit like this are worse than spam. Have a nice day.
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