Jul 25, 2006 07:51

I've finally entered the VACATION part of summer vacation after being freakishly busy for far too long.

Kudos to Miss Chelsea Smith on being the winningnest spamxor ever!!!1!1!!!11! And thanks to everybody else who pitched in.

Now I give you...

From the work trip on a sheep ranch in West Virginia.

This is Dennis who owns the camp and Sport the very enthusiastic sheep dog. Sideways because Photobucket hates me.

Some Sheep. The one in the front is panting after being chased by Sport. No, I didn't know they did that either.

If you want to hear a rant ask me about the Appalachian Volunteer Corp. grrrr.

Backrubs all around after a day digging trenches.

Peep the guard dog.

It's hard to see, but where the arrow is pointing there are two deer on their hind legs bitch-slapping the crap out of one another. I didn't know they did that either.

Our van on the way home. Roxanne, Jessie and Allen (who was elected an honorary girl)

The view that keeps me coming back every year.

vacation!, spamage kudos, picspam

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