Jun 07, 2007 23:08

MY life has over-all gotten a lot better.  Wait over-all... it has completely changed for the better.  I mean there were times when it wasn't going the way i wanted it to.  like... college.  That sucked.  They say it isn't for everybody and i agree.  I also feel like i am looked down upon as lower class than everybody else.  I sometimes wonder what  my life would be like if i stuck in there and fought my way through school.  Would i be happier than i am now?  Would i be the same person i am now? Would i be as much of an ass hole as the people in the longwood theatre department?  i don't know.  All i know is that i will not go back for anything.  I love the life i have now.  another thing that led me to this point in my life would be the few relationships.  oh boy...
    I guess we can go in chronological order.  I guess that means we will start with Kristen.  well...  Lets just say that was a very awkward month.  i would have to say that she was most likely a rebound.

well... i am getting tired of typing tonight...so i will write more later
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