January 30th, 1983

Aug 30, 2010 01:48

It's my turn to make breakfast this morning which, seeing as Brielle bet me that I'd cave and go with toast again, should be an interesting experience. There will be no toast to be seen. Ha.

It was a quiet weekend, with the obvious exception of Saturday night. It was Ralden's birthday... whatever, he's a complete lightweight (especially his friend spiked his beer with Firewhiskey, as per some of weird tradition that everyone conveniently "forgets" about every year) and I won't say anything about where he allegedly passed out to. Fiona, make sure to collect on the many, many favours he now owes you for watching Tommy for the night. At any rate, I had fun though some of his friends are kind of weird and woke up on Sunday completely fine, thank you.

Since Tutshill wasn't playing this weekend, I didn't have any real reason to follow any of the Quidditch matches, though I've heard a couple of them were pretty good. My loss, I guess.

Work this week will be... well, the deaprtment was all over the map on Friday when a couple of people were out sick and Mum was out of her office attending the trial, so I imagine we'll be spending the first part of tomorrow finishing things from Friday.

Now, if you'll excuse me, it appears my toad has decided his cage is not his preferred place of existence this morning and wants to stretch his legs.
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