Feb 04, 2009 09:47
I don't know if it is the time of year or something else, but I have found myself sleeping incredibly badly at the moment.
It isn't that I'm not sleeping which is what normally happens - I'm quite happily getting my head down about half ten* and drop straight off. Instead I am having massively lucid and distrubing dreams through the night and waking up after each one (maybe three or four times in a night). So I am constantly shattered.
Interestingly pretty much every single one of the dreams has involved my having to visit or look after one of my friends, and it all goes horribly wrong with the result that either neither of us escapes or I have to suffer to let them get away.
*This is not my usual time of going to bed, but I will go to bed at that time if I am tired, which I am at the moment.