Mar 21, 2006 21:27
so... after 9 weeks of living in sydney i figured that i should post.
i'm absolutely LOVING my work - and the fact that i live so close to Aimee (even closer than when we lived in Hamilton South and Cooks Hill respectively) - i find work exhausting, but that's to be expected...
i'm looking at moving to meadowbank in the next few months... west pymble is lovely, but the accessibility lets it down...
things with lex are going really nicely - i wish that he and i had more frequent contact, that's all...
i'm not online that much anymore - which i also kinda like....
mardi gras stuff went off without a hitch - i got to see marc (ran into matt on the dance floor... dancing to 'seasons of love' - was QUITE impressed with that) and ran into a few old friends at the MG party - not to mention making a few new ones.... and all the general haziness that goes with that night of the year...
mandy lawson and emma and john's housewarming - two parties in the same night, on different sides of the city.... THAT was fun....
then there was jenny's housewarming - that i intended on going to, but i fell asleep.... so i didn't even leave the house.
um yeah - i hope you're all doing well... and to the sydney types that i've not ran into yet.... meh, it'll happen - this city isn't that big :p