well this weekend at camp, it was AMAZING! God was awesome. and I saw His love. i saw it. and it was themost beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes on.
There was a group of kids there from 'homes' , 90% of them were black. but they were awesome. and i love them. these kids have been given away to different parents like 3 times. and i loved just watching them. i heard some of their stories.
- one boy , 8 years old, got beat by His dad. Then watched his father shoot his mom in the face.
- One boy's dad was put into prison. Him and his mom had no money. and one day their car broke down, due to lack of gas, but they had NO money at all to put one drop in it. well the little boy had saved up $50 for an Xbox game. He gave that money to his mom to buy gas.
- Another guy, Jeff, when he was 6 he found out his mom had been a prostitute for 2 years, since he was 4. then at the age of 10, one day he was sitting on the couch watching tv. His dad came and sat down beside him. didn't say a word. then shot himself in the head.
- Darren, when he was 8 his mom abandoned him and his 3 brothers and sisters at a hotel. and it was 4 days before anyone found them.
gosh. that just killllled me to listen to their stories. but they all love Jesus, and were at the camp smiling and laughing and having an amazing time. and wow, i just saw the love of Jesus in each one of their hearts. it was so rewarding to go and be a part of that. good Lord, so beautiful.
children are so wonderful. i loooove to watch them. me and the cutest little boy, ben, got down and layed on the sidewalk. and we took rocks and played tic-tac-toe on the sidewalk. and we changed it to l's and m's. he said they were funner to draw.
i got to give advice to a little girl about being nice to people even though they're not nice to you. and that showing them love and kindess will make them feel bad. and most likely they'll apologize and you'll be friends. and it worked.
i watched 7 year old best friends go up to the altar just because , they wanted to sit up there, because it would be fun. when the time came to go pray at the altar i would watch them and they would say "you wanna go up there?" "yeah lets!" it was amusing.
but I watched kids connect with some of the counselors about their parents and their life situation. and i watched their tears and sorrow transform into tears of joy and a heart pumping with a love for life and Jesus! it was a-m-a-z-i-n-g.
i don't know where I would be without Jesus. I don't know what else I would have done this weekend if God hadn't have brought me to wonderbook camp.
ya know, friday, some children came so bitter. but by sunday they were so loving and happy. Jesus definately hugged some kids. i pray so hard for them. they're so beautiful, and i don't want them to ever get themselves into the ugliness and crap of this world. they're pure, innocent little children. I pray that as they grow older , adults wouldn't chip away at this. and they would all grow up living every day to its fullest, and be happy, and be blessed with a spirit of freedom to be who they are, without worrying about the world's standards of cool or pretty, because when it comes to the world's standards for these things, the world is blind and ignorant.
children make me happy.
all in all , this weekend was amazing. and i loved it. and somone of you should come with me this summer.
somtimes you have to let go.
p.s. i didnt lj cut on purpose.