Nov 29, 2004 15:24
Today made me realize how much I love my best buddies [: Oh, how much I love `em! Anywho, today wasn't all that bad.. I don't think it was. First Period JROTC was definetely boring, I don't think I was all that too happy today since I was awfully worried about my finding my phone.. didn't talk much. But today's lesson wasn't all that important, just about how to save/spend money. I think with my quietness I bored everyone else.. hahahaha.
Second Period French was oh so boring. I completely forgot what we did.. all I know was that Jeremiah was singing the whole time, which made me completely laugh [: Third Period Geography was okaaaay. I explained to Adella how things are fucking up for me.. I love that chick oh so very much [: [:
Fourth Period Biology was boring. Lol, the whole class knew none of the questions Mr. Janeke asked. I even had the stupid face and yelled out, "HUUUUUUUUUUHHH?" Oh my, how funny. Anywho, CAN'T WAIT FOR TOMORROW'S OH SO BORING LESSON! Yeah fucking right.. Fifth Period English was fun [: Read a hilarious, sick, and sad story.. yep. The parts me & Josephine Q. were heckaaa funny [:
Lunch was fun. Hung out with my oh so wonderful laaadies.. JOSEPHine, Kari, Fysh & Jasmine [: Those laadies crack me up. Oh god, when me, Fysh, & Jasmine went in line, there was this chick who was seriously P.O.'d. All she did was yell at people for supposedly pushing her, but anywho, finally got food and the lady confused me on the cost.. Sixth Period Algebra was boring. Learned on stuff, which I completely forgot about since I was looking all over the place for my phone ]: No success whatsoever..
After School was wonderful [: I'm sorry JOSEPHine that I didn't walk you all the way to class ]; Boo hoo, I shall do it everyday for the rest of my life no matter what [: Anywho, went with Kari, Fysh, & Lean to look for my phone [: I love `em so much for their help! They made me build up the courage to call up my parents to say what happened and they weren't that maaad [: woOwee, I'm getting a new phone this afternoon. So anyone who has my phone, HAHAHAHAHA SUCKER(S)! Guess who has the gay bob of a phone now? Lol, jkkk. I'll miss it ]: Yadda yadda, You don't know how much I realized you can't live without friends. I shall love them forevaaaaaaa! Oh yes, YOU. Kaaaaaayy, off to go to Verizon Wireless store soon, so I'm off! BYE [:
xx i love tyson