Dear Purimgifts Creator,
Hello and thank you! I am so sorry for not posting this sooner! Optional details are of course optional, especially when posted so late, but I hope this post is useful if you’re still looking for inspiration. And that is all this is for - inspiration. This is on the longer side because I don’t have much in the way of a fandom footprint to stalk and personally, I prefer having prompts.
This is my first time participating in an exchange rather than lurking, so I’m going to love anything and everything you create for me. I adore all of the fandoms I requested as well as all of the eligible characters and more of any of them in the world is a good thing. If you have already started (or finished) thank you! I am going to love it and please disregard everything below.
General Information:
Only two of these fandoms have explicitly canonical Jewish characters, so feel free to head-canon characters as Jewish where it makes sense to setting and canon.
Dislikes: I don’t have any triggers, but would prefer no: rape/non-con, or underage. Beyond that, I’m not really looking for erotica but if that’s you jam, I just ask no water sports or bloodplay.
Things I am especially fond of: Found family, in-character dialogue, plot, word play, subverting expectations, divergent/For Want Of A Nail AUs, fusions, meta and fourth-wall leaning and breaking, time travel, scenes between characters who don’t interact much in canon, characters put in unusual situations, and I love me some world-building - feel free to explore a character’s backstory, fill in a canon gap, or explore random aspects of the fandom’s universe.
Shipping: I usually view the romances as incidental rather than the main draw of a fandom. I generally like canon pairings although I’m open to rare-pairings. Open to LGBTQIA+ readings of characters.
Crossovers and Fusions: I’m not expecting it, but if that’s your thing, feel free. In addition to the prompted fandoms, I’m also familiar with: American Gods (both book and TV), Animorphs, Arrested Development, Arthurian Mythology, Asimov’s Robot stories, Babylon 5 (up to Season 3 now), Back to the Future, Discworld, Doctor Who, The Epic of Gilgamesh, Firefly, Future Man, Galaxy Quest, Good Omens, Gravity Falls, The Handmaid’s Tale, Harry Potter, The Librarians, Princess Tutu, The Sandman, Sense8, The Sentinel, Slings & Arrows, Stargate: SG-1, Star Trek (all tv/movies besides Discovery, TOS books), Star Wars (all movies), Supernatural, Young Justice (TV)
Avatar: The Last Airbender and Avatar: Legend of Korra
The Avatar universe holds a special place in my heart, and I point to A:tLA as an example of how to do character development and world-building well. I’m especially fond of the Bei Fong family, Katara, Yue, Jinora, and Korra/Asami. I’m also interested in P’Li and Ming-Hua’s backstory, Katara and Zuko’s friendship over the years, and what Suki did after A:tLA. I have no stakes in shipping here, you’re welcome to play with crack-pairings if you’ve always had the secret desire to do so. Feel free to play with one-off characters, invent past female Avatars, spirits, or female White Lotus members (seriously, where are the female White Lotus members?), or explore the world-building.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV)
This is a shiny new toy that I binged within the past two months in preparation for the new season. You can assume that I’m current. I enjoy the character dynamics, aspects of found family, how serious topics seamlessly slip in, and of course, the humor. It’s also the reason I made of point of finally watching Die Hard (don’t judge, it was on my to-do list). I’m particularly fond of Jake/Amy, and the character dynamics between Jake, Amy, Holt, and Rosa. I also like: Captain Holt, Terry, Halloween shenanigans, general shenanigans, Jake and Gina’s backstory, and Rosa’s over-the-top mysteriousness.
A ridiculous musical parody of theater and fantasy? Yes, please. I would love anything with Sid - whether interactions with his family or the rest of Sidneyland (and I will forever hate/love them for that gag - I aspire to reach that level of glorious assholery of naming a character for a five second visual joke), Sid and Isabella, Sid finally getting to be the hero, adventures of Sid and Garth to rescue Madalena from herself, or Sid as the eventual ruler of Valencia (I mean, Isabella and Galavant don’t seem interested and there is the historical El Cid and Valencia…).
So that’s a lot of Sid, I just wish the show had done more with him. I swear I also adore Isabella and thoroughly enjoy Roberta, Madalena, and Gwynne. If in a bind, interactions between characters who don’t get much screen time together is always appreciated, and of course Tad Cooper is always welcome.
This was one of my first fandoms and I love the intersection of urban fantasy, medieval history, and 'modern' New York. I blame it for my interest early-medieval Scottish history. Besides Hyena, I’d be interested in whatever characters you want to play with from main characters to the smallest of side characters at any point in the timeline. Regarding canon: I generally ignore The Goliath Chronicles and I've read the comics and am familiar with the proposed spin-offs and content from Ask Greg, so feel free to go beyond show canon if you’re so inclined.
Eligible characters I particularly like: the Maza women, Matt Bluestone, Chavez, Matt Loew and the Golem, Katharine and Angela on Avalon, Demona, and Gruoch. Have fun, there are a metric ton of characters and thousands of years to play. I love the world-building so feel free to use this as an excuse to answer random things like how Elisa affords that sweet apartment in NYC or how there is always a parking spot for her car.
If writing Matt, it’d be great to see interactions with Elisa, Chavez, or people he doesn’t have screen time with such as the Clan beyond Goliath, King Arthur, or Macbeth. Other things of interest: interactions between characters who don’t share much (or any) screen time, the Phoenix Gate, Arthurian legend, artificial intelligence in the Gargoyles universe, 10th-11th century Scotland, the proposed 2198 spinoff, Avalon, the London Clan, and interactions between clans.
Shipping: Canon ships (especially Goliath/Elisa and Macbeth/Gruoch) with a side of Demona/Macbeth UST and various configurations of Xanatos/Fox/Owen/Puck. Although I admit, I’m not overly interested in explicit material for this fandom.
The Good Place (TV):
I only recently discovered this show and consumed it in a binge, but you can assume that I am current. I thoroughly enjoyed the reveal at the end of Season 1 and appreciate the show’s ability to reinvent itself each season. I admit that Janet’s my favorite, but I also enjoy Elenore, Tahani, Simone, and Vicky.
Hamilton - Miranda:
Fascinating recontextualizing of American history with amazing music - what's not to love? I’d love anything with any and all of the Schyler sisters at any point of the play, or possibly the mentioned but unseen Martha Washington or Theodosia (either the Elder or Younger). Alternatively, would things have gone differently if one or more of the characters was Jewish?
I love the found family/team as family trope, so this is my jam. Add heists and a general light-hearted attitude and this is my happy place. Feel free to play with either Parker or Sophie. Personally, I like the idea of Sophie growing up in a Jewish household. As for shipping, I’m open to both Parker/Hardison and OT3. I’m also fond of Amy from the Brew Pub.
Parks and Recreation:
This is my comfort, turn-something-on-in-the-background show. I enjoy the overall light-hearted view of politics and these flawed, but lovable ridiculous characters. Leslie is my favorite, and Leslie/Ben was one of the first ships I actively rooted for. I wish the show had done more what makes Ann tick and her backstory. April is a delight (as much as she would hate that), and there are plenty of tertiary characters if you want to play with one of the citizens of Pawnee.
Star Trek (General)
I fell in with Star Trek in middle school thanks to a friend obsessed with TOS and Uhura. I admit that my middle school years involved way too many TOS novels so if you want to include something from a novel published before 2000 or so, I’ll probably recognize it. Want to explore Judaism within the Federation? Or deconstruct comparisons to alien cultures? Go for it. Or dialogue or character piece? Go with whatever interest you.
I’ve seen TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, and all the movies Prime and AOS. Most of ENT which I didn’t really care for until season 4 (and I admit that I loathed their interpretation of Vulcans as I’d been thoroughly influenced by fanon). Please no spoilers for Discovery: I haven’t seen it yet, initially due to not wanting to pay for the online content and haven’t gotten around to it since.
Star Trek: TOS
Okay, let’s be honest, Star Trek: TOS is comprised of maybe 20 good episodes amidst tons of glorious camp, laughable special effects, and institutionalized racism and misogyny. It’s the idea of it: the concept that we can be better. That there is a better tomorrow, and that tomorrow involves space travel, unimaginable sights, and working with and meeting aliens. Also, tribbles and redshirts and beam me up Scotty.
It’s about potential.
I’m especially fond of Uhura. Amanda Grayson is totally Jewish and I’d love to see the intersection of beliefs and living on Vulcan. In my book this allows Spock also. I’m also open to reading Kirk or Chekov as Jewish. Favorite movies are II-IV, with The Wrath of Khan being the ‘better’ movie, but The Voyage Home being the one I’m most likely to watch. Other characters of interest: Saavik, Christine Chapel, Rand, the Romulan Commander, Gillian Taylor, the one-shot character Lt Charlene Masters, and I am generally a fan of background characters and outsider POV if you want to invent a character serving on the Enterprise.
Other things of note: Vulcans, IDIC, the Horta, and the random unicorn-dog. I also fully believe there’s some poor security officer stuck monitoring CCTV who does dramatic zooms when they’re bored and that there’s a Quartermaster who has opinions on the uniforms and orders Kirk’s uniforms in bulk.
Star Trek: DS9
Don’t tell TOS, but DS9 is my favorite Trek.
Kira is my favorite, but I thoroughly enjoy both versions of Dax, and I’ve always wanted more development for Ziyal, Kasidy, Keiko, and Molly. Also welcome are Worf’s parents Sergey and Helena Rozhenko.
Other things I enjoy: Sisko is my favorite Captain, Sisko’s relationship with Jake, Garak, “Trials and Tribble-ations,” “In the Pale Moonlight,” and outsider views of the Federation.
Again, thank you. I am going to love what you make, and I'm looking forward to seeing these characters have more content.