[Everyone seems so excited and/or confused with their new classes! And who wouldn't be, they're all pretty cute. What about Ammy, she was already so cute before, what happened when she got a cute new class--
Oh holy shit. Uh. Don't make her angry? That's right, Ammy is now a WEREWOLF class, fully bipedal and... well, a heck of a lot taller and buffer than before. The Solar Flare, her floating mirror, seems to be nothing more than a decorative piece. It's those long talons you've gotta worry about.
She lifts her head and lets out a deep, primal howl. Is this really the Amaterasu you know and love!?!?]
((OOC: Still on my hiatus so I shouldn't be tagging, but. I will probably end up tagging anyway so why not :T Don't be surprised if I disappear quite a bit BUT YEAH.