☼ Fifth Sunrise - Video/Action ☼

Nov 22, 2010 20:15

[Oh yeah, guess who isn't having fun with this curse. She has a brief video entry where she whines uncomfortably into the camera, but otherwise you'll find her sneaking around to find somewhere where things weren't loud. Or strong-smelling. Or prickly.

There is no way to escape bright, though. She glows in the dark. Oh, the despair of poor

sephiroth, muraki, harry potter, alucard, kagome, !curse: fifteen, red

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action! livedagain November 23 2010, 18:09:23 UTC
[He remembered her from when he showed up and now that he was settled in a bit -- he figured this was a 'curse' he heard about. After the video, he seeks her out and when he find her, he crouches down to her level. His voice is quiet as he reaches a hand out to pet her.]

I probably can't help much but... I might know a spell that will help, if you trust me enough.


action to_takamagahara November 23 2010, 19:05:29 UTC
[Reluctantly, she avoids the offer for petting, since her sense of touch was so sensitive. But she looks up at Harry, showing that she was willing to let him help.]


livedagain November 23 2010, 19:16:22 UTC
[Pulling his hand back quickly, he pulls out his wand and casts a quick muffling spell. All sounds and smells and muffled tenfold and hopefully better for her.]


to_takamagahara November 23 2010, 19:18:26 UTC
[Oh... wow, that helps a lot! She perks up immediately, wagging her tail happily.]

Arf arf!


livedagain November 23 2010, 21:55:36 UTC
[He grins and is happy that he was able to help.]

That should help with the hearing and smell. Not sure what to do about touch or sight though. Maybe you can get a pair of doggy goggles to help?

[A shrug.]

Where do you live anyway? If you're going to be out in the streets, that's not going to help at all. You should find a place to stay for the week so you can have at least some sort of control over what your senses face.


to_takamagahara November 23 2010, 22:48:53 UTC
[Doggy goggles...? What are goggles...? Hmm.]


livedagain November 25 2010, 01:42:34 UTC
[She looks confused! He tries to figure out why, struggling a bit before--]

Is it the goggles? They're like these-- [He gestures to his glasses.] but different. They wrap around your head and cover your whole eye.


to_takamagahara November 25 2010, 01:44:14 UTC
[...Huh! Never heard of that before.]


livedagain November 25 2010, 21:24:15 UTC
They're pretty cool, people generally use them when they go swimming.

[A pause and he grins at her.] Do you want to go to the pet store and see if they have them?


to_takamagahara November 25 2010, 21:26:28 UTC
[Pet store? ...Huh. Never heard of such a thing. But she'll follow. She's interested.]


livedagain November 25 2010, 21:39:52 UTC
[His grin widens and he stands up and... has no idea where he's going but HEY those Potter Instincts of his will get him through. He pauses, looking around a bit before just deciding to go right. Because... right is a good way to go, yeah! Is the plaza that way? Possibly.]


to_takamagahara November 25 2010, 21:41:19 UTC
[She follows! She squints, but she can follow her nose. Wherever it goes.]


livedagain November 25 2010, 21:43:23 UTC
[WANDERING... WANDERING... WANDERING... Ding ding ding! Here are some shops and there is a pet shop.]

Ah, here we go! Come on.

[And then he hurries over to the pet shop and holds the door open for her. At least it's not as bright in the shop and it smells like wonderful pet treats too!]


to_takamagahara November 25 2010, 21:46:49 UTC
[No pet treats are as wonderful as holy bones! ...But these do indeed smell yummy, since Ammy isn't picky. In she goes!]


livedagain November 26 2010, 00:40:47 UTC
[He follows after her and heads to the accessories area, touching and poking and fiddling with all the cool knick-knacks.]

... I never knew there were doggy breath mints.

[He looks over at Ammy with them in his hand, curious.]


to_takamagahara November 26 2010, 01:19:53 UTC
[Ammy is busy exploring everything k thnx. She's never SEEN any of this stuff!]


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