The Barnsbury is an honestly beautiful hotel, surrounded by trees and flowers and immaculately tended lawns. The building itself resembles a castle more than anything, and is on the other side of a bridge and a minature moat. The furnishings are ruby colored and velvet, with simple, aesthetic designs
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"You look great!" She hugs back whole heartedly.
((sorry I'm late. Gotta love doctors.))
Yep, he's babbling.
((XD No biggie! I had to go out for dinner anyway. *hugs* You okay?))
"Mmm." She nods in agreement. "This place is amazing!"
((No, but hopefully I'm on the way to getting okay so no worries.))
"Isn't it? Kuro-pon chose it," the first time, and he suggested it for the wedding... "He's really such a romantic! Just don't let him hear you say it." Fay winks.
((*loving cuddles* I do hope things get better for you soon. If you ever need to talk, I'm willing to listen, 'kay?))
"If he choose this place than he is a romantic. But why would that bother him? If he wasn't romantic at all he wouldn't be getting married."
((aww, *hugs back* Thank you. I tried to add you to yahoo but it keeps giving me an error message. My ID is: if you want to try it. Stupid techonology.))
((I'll give it a try when next I am on! *snuggleluff*))
"Do you an Kurogane-san have a special place to go after tonight? I read that it is often customary for couples to go on a trip afterwards."
"That would be nice, I don't think I've met Ali-san yet."
Fay smiles fondly. "Ali-san is the woman who adopted me as her little brother... or I adopted her first, I don't remember exactly. She's been very kind and has always been helpful. She's been wanting to meet you, you'll like her."
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