My LJ is friends only. In the past, my words have hurt people who have seen my public entries. Although I do not regret the things I said, I regret allowing them to stumble across my writings. Words are powerful weapons that I would rather keep to myself and only share with people whom I know will be understanding.
With that said, please be warned that I am often quite opinionated. If you are offended by things I say, please leave me comments that express your point of view. If you continually leave me messages that tell me I'm wrong or stupid for feeling a certain way, you can forget about further communication with me. I refuse to associate with people like that.
So, please, if you know me and want to have access to my sad, pathetic LiveJournal, please leave a comment on this entry and I will, most likely, friend you... Just because you made the effort.
Cordialement Votre,