Nov 20, 2005 23:06
so Harry Potter.... was good.
not as good as i hoped.
front row sucks but yes i enjoyed it, i dont regret spending 10 dollars on it at least.
and i went with Jon Stef Mike and Nick. it was fun.
I felt bad tho because Erin couldnt get a ticket and i could. : /
So since my grades are soooo bad, im not allowed to be online on the weekdays, and im getting tutors like 4 days a week.
It sucks, i dont think people understand how much i hate tutors.... my last one never came back. she just left one day!
ahhh this weekend is relaxing, i just stayed home yeasterday and messed around with my sister and dad so that was fun. Its rare in my family to have everyone in a good mood at the same time and be able to get along. Probably cause my mom wasnt home, and since my dad is just like a little kid he doesnt make us clean or anything.
And i rented movies and watched them when i was home alone. I love watching movies when im home alone, its so quiet and no one tells you to pause so they can pee or turns on lights or makes popcorn really loud :) and plus i get to watch whatever i want, since no one else in my family approves of most movies that i like.
:) im thankful.... which is perfect timing!
gobble gobble.