Dear Senator __________ ,
Please vote No on the current illegal-immigrant amnesty bill. The majority of Americans, including me, feel that this bill would only benefit the rich of both the U.S. and Mexico while breaking down the American middle and working class. Our country cannot afford to take care of tens of millions of people who are willing to work for less than minimum wage at a time when even skilled and educated American citizens can't make a living. This legislation has no place in either the Democratic or Republican parties. Your constituents have spoken.
Copy and paste this, filling in the blanks where necessary, then take four minutes of your life and send it to the appropriate persons at this website: .
Unless, of course, you really like the idea of North America turning into one huge empire with 500,000,000 serfs earning $4 an hour ruled by a couple hundred Ivy League graduates.
EDIT: A chicken-processing plant was recently raided and hundreds of illegals were arrested. The plant's bosses were afraid that they wouldn't be able to stay open due to worker shortage. So they advertised for 400 jobs. 11,000 American citizens applied. Meanwhile computer and phone companies are laying off Americans so they can hire "guest workers" for less money. THAT's what this issue is about, folks, not "tolerance" or "diversity".