Apr 21, 2008 18:00
There's virtually no way in Hell Hillary will win the Democratic nomination at this point; Obama is too far ahead. But that hasn't stopped her from attacking Obama with a barrage of the sleaziest tactics imaginable (many of them lifted verbatim from the Republican playbook), saying literally anything and everything she can think of in the hopes of pandering to anyone and everyone, making back-door deals with all sorts of shady characters, and just being loathsome and unpleasant in general.
There's a theory floating around now that her plan is this: Damage Obama's reputation as much as possible so that he loses to McCain and she can then run in 2012. In other words, it's okay if McCain censors the Internet, continues to give free money to the rich, keeps the U.S. military in Iraq indefinitely, and drags us into a freaking war with Iran; the important thing is that she and Bill get to live in the White House again.
VOTERS OF PENNSYLVANIA: Please drive a proverbial stake through the proverbial heart of Hillary Clinton's proverbial campaign. Thanks.