Fic: Tut, Tut (Bandom, FRT)

Oct 11, 2010 20:13

Title: Tut, Tut
Author: allyndra
Fandom: My Chemical Romance
Pairing: background Frank/Gerard
Rating: FRT
Length: 390 words
Disclaimer: Fiction. Which means, not true.
Summary: Gerard enlists Mikey's help.
Notes: Because the AgentCherriCola tweet made me want to use that line from Winnie the Pooh.

"Come on, Mikey, Just carry the fucking umbrella. For, like, verisimilitude." Gerard hunched his shoulders and pulled the sides of his hood more firmly around his throat. He looked like he was auditioning to be the world's lamest Ringwraith.

"Yeah, 'cause Mom and Dad couldn't just turn on the weather channel. Or look out a fucking window," Mikey said, twirling the umbrella idly. It was big and black, with a hooked handle and a pointed tip, and if the Penguin had it, it would be full of poison gas.

Gerard tilted his head in a way that probably meant he was giving Mikey sad eyes. It would have been more effective if his face weren't buried in his hoodie. "Just do this for me," Gerard said. "I never ask you for anything." Mikey raised his eyebrows. That was such a lie. Gerard realized it, too, because he shrugged and added, "Nothing I don't do for you, too, I mean."

Fine, okay. That was fair. Gerard stole Mikey's cigarettes all the time, but he also shared his own. And he'd always been good at covering for the times that Mikey stayed out all night.

"Deal," Mikey said. "When my boyfriend decides to give me the biggest hickey in the universe, you help me hide it." Gerard gave him such a beaming, relieved smile that Mikey could actually see it shining out of the depths of his hood. "And," Mikey held up a finger, "I get to keep the umbrella."

"Yeah, yes, whatever," Gerard said. He reached inside his hood and ducked his head happily, and Mikey was really fucking sure he was pressing his fingers against the marks Frank had left and smiling like a moron.

"Okay, let's do this." Mikey squared his shoulders and started herding Gerard through the house and toward the front door, keeping himself between Gerard and their parents. When their mom stared and opened her mouth questioningly, Mikey brandished the umbrella a little. "Tut, Tut," he said flatly, "looks like rain."

He hurried them out the door and down the front steps. It was a gorgeous autumn day outside, the rare kind where the sun was bright and sky was crystal blue. Mikey tipped his head up and looked at the shining, clear sky, then smacked Gerard lightly upside his stupid, hooded head. "Verisimilitude, my ass."

frank/gerard, gen, bandom, mcr

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