Title: Nothing to Fear
allyndraFandom: My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: FRT
Length: 400 words
Disclaimer: Such lies, such lies.
Summary: Gerard has stage fright, and Frank gives the best pep talks ever.
Notes: Written for
ciel_vert for a drabble prompt.
“If I die,” Gerard said with quiet earnestness, “make sure my mom doesn’t just throw out my action figures.”
“They’re not worth shit after you’ve opened them up and played with them,” Frank pointed out, rolling his eyes. “And you’re not dying, what the fuck?”
Gerard twisted his fingers together like he was trying to break them off. “I could,” he insisted. “I really, really could.” He was even paler than usual, and he looked like he’d been pulling on his hair. He chewed on his lip for a moment, staring off into space with his brow furrowed. “Why did I think I could do this?”
Okay, there was mockable anxiety, and then there was this. Frank grabbed Gerard’s hands and untangled them, turning them face up so he could stroke his thumbs over Gerard’s palms. “Hey,” he said soothingly. “Hey, Gee.” He rubbed little circles against Gerard’s skin. “Don’t be a dickhead.”
Gerard’s hands jerked out of Frank’s grasp, and Frank scowled at him and snatched them back. “You give the worst fucking pep talks,” Gerard told him. “Next time, I’m freaking out at Mikey.”
“You’ve been freaking out at Mikey for years. Give the kid a break. Anyway, you have to listen to the whole pep talk before you get to diss it.”
Gerard humphed, but he nodded and let Frank keep ahold of his hands. “Fine. Pep away.”
Frank grinned. “As I was saying.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Don’t be a dickhead. You’ve been sober for, like, a week.” Gerard mouthed ‘five days.’ “And we’re still kind of reveling in the fact that you’re not dying. If getting on a stage would kill you, you’d be tied up and stuffed in a drum case right now. You need to trust that we’ve got your back.”
Gerard’s fingers curled tightly, catching Frank’s thumbs and squeezing them. “But what if-“
Frank glared. “You’re not dying!”
“But what if I throw up?” Gerard asked in a small voice.
Frank smiled. “Then I’ll hold your hair. And so will Mikey, Brian and Ray.”
“We would need a big fucking bathroom,” Gerard said, but he was smiling when he said it. He released his stranglehold on Frank’s thumbs. “Okay.”
“Okay.” Frank rearranged their hands so he could slide his fingers between Gerard’s. “But if you want to leave me your action figures in your will, just in case, I wouldn’t say no.”