Character Info | Player Contact

Dec 11, 2011 08:42

~Player Information~
Name: Kel
Personal Journal: kellenanne
Time zone: PST (GMT-8)
Contact: kellenanne [at] gmail dot com |AIM: gaerwn
Current Characters: n/a

~Character Information~
Fandom: Supernatural
Name: Castiel
Age: Apparent age is mid-thirties, thanks to the vessel he inhabits. Actual is anyone's guess. Ageless is, perhaps, the way Castiel might describe himself.
Canon Point: 5x13 "The Song Remains the Same" During Castiel's attempt to transport back to the present time.
History: Link to History of Doom
[Optional] Character Development and Relationship Transfer from previous RP: None.
To say that Castiel is a being of deep conviction would be an understatement. This conviction has been tested beyond what he might have ever expected in the past year, but somehow the center has held. Castiel was created to be a perfect warrior for God; there would be no room for error, doubt, or questioning. Emotion is, as Castiel said, the doorway to doubt.

Somewhere along the line, Castiel began to feel. Faith is still an integral part of who and what he is; his faith has just been put in something -- someone -- other than his Father. It took Castiel time to make his decsion and his nursed the beginnings of emotion and doubt before he decided to finally act. To obey is so ingrained that not following orders is anethema. To put all his faith in one person -- Dean Winchester -- wasn't the difficult part for Castiel. The difficult part was disobeying orders.

In associating with the Winchester brothers, Castiel learned a great deal. Human quirks and foibles still elude him. (Anything referencing popular culture is completely lost on him, and he'll be the first to tell you he doesn't get it.) He sees humanity as flawed. He's seen almost nothing but raw hurt and grief during his time on earth. But his Father created them and, in Dean, he's also seen passion and belief and determination. Seeing his fellow angels act upon orders that called his faith into question and then being betrayed by one of his brethren shook Castiel to the core; Dean's belief that fighting for a simple thing like freedom was enough for Castiel to put all his faith and conviction into.

In short, Castiel is capable of great leaps of faith, especially if a Winchester suggests it to him. He calls them friends and he'd do anything for them, illustrated more than once in canon -- and twice he's died fighting on their side. (Twice dead and at least once, he went on what he thought was a suicide mission.) That isn't to say that Castiel has any sort of death wish. He will, though, fight with everything he has if he believes that he is right.

Sometimes, it takes him some time to figure out what he believes is right, though. Castiel is a logical creature, created to not even entertain emotion. Point out to him that faith isn't exactly logical and these leaps of faith he sometimes takes are foolish and he'll argue the point. This logical approach, coupled with his absolutely abysmal understanding of human culture, can make him seem naive and even less than intelligent at times.

Castiel was created to be a warrior. He has no use for polite social graces. If something needs said, then he'll say it. There is not point in softening the blow -- it'll hurt just the same, no matter how it's said, and for the most part, Castiel isn't concerned about sparing feelings. If something needs done, then he will find a way to do it. To do otherwise would waste time that he doesn't have to spare. Blunt and to the point, Castiel might not be the best at putting people at ease, but at least he doesn't beat around the bush. Some might appreciate that particular trait.

Because he doesn't always understand humans -- and perhaps because of a near absolute trust in Dean -- Castiel can sometimes inadvertantly make himself look far more gullible than what he is. He has a habit of picking up on one particular thing -- for example, a pop culture reference -- and repeating it at just the wrong time. If he's given a pop culture reference, he doesn't get it, but he'll try. Curiosity is a defining trait. Castiel wants to understand. He won't always ask, but he'll observe.

Admitting to weakness is not easy for Castiel and the only time he's ever done so is when one of the Winchester brothers asks him directly about it. Before Castiel cut ties with heaven and rebelled, he was an Angel of the Lord and none were more powerful than him. Given, though, that several beings were, this isn't quite a true statement, but after Castiel started to fall, his days as an all-powerful being were nearly romanticized. Castiel will only ask for help if he finds all over avenues blocked and he will only admit to weakness or defeat when asked -- and only if it's Dean or Sam.

Castiel is painfully honest. He does not know how to lie. He sees no point in it, even after having it explained to him time and again. He's an angel, he asks a question, people should answer. That's how it should work. He sees no reason to lie to anyone, even when it's (painfully) obvious that being too blunt in a situation would be asking for trouble.

To put it kindly, Castiel is blunt and honest. In less flattering words, he could very well grate on nerves. He, however, sees no reason to change. All in all, Castiel is fairly even-keeled, not prone to outbursts of emotion. He isn't patient or kind, though, and expects people to simply keep up with him -- or get out of his way. He has no use for fools or those who frighten easily. As one might imagine, reassurance is not something Castiel ever gives. In fact, he has a tendency to make things worse.

Castiel simply fails at small-talk. He can't seem to be inconspicuous. He's never quite human. Blunt, honest, fairly quiet unless there's something that needs said, and somewhat grating, he's probably not a person many people would really love to get to know.

If they did, though, they might just be amazed by how deep Castiel's loyalty and convictions do run. That isn't to say he's never shaken. He is. He lives on the run, hunting by demons and angels alike. He's standing against Heaven and Hell and he's not sure if he can win.

But he'll do what's right anyway.

Castiel is a warrior, first and foremost. At the point in canon I'm taking him from, his powers have suffered but he's retained many of the skills that made him an elite warrior of God in the first place. Castiel is skilled in languages -- even old, dead languages that human ears haven't heard in centures, or even languages that human ears have never heard -- and incantations. He is shown more than once to be performing an incantation meant to locate someone or something.

He is, for lack of a better word, telekinetic. He can move things with a thought. Though this has been somewhat limited in scope by his fading powers, he is more than capable of pulling bolts out of a wall or breaking pipe. He can -- again for lack of a better word -- teleport. In the strictest sense, he is flying; wingbeats usually accompany his arrivals and departures, but the travel is nearly instantaneous. He is still capable of traveling even through time, but this puts a great strain on fading resources. He will not do it again unless he absolutely has to.

Castiel is capable in hand to hand and with his dagger, though he has a habit of underestimating opponents. Arrogance is his greatest weakness. He almost seems to forget that his Grace is fading and he isn't as strong as he once was. While intelligent and certainly capable of strategizing, Castiel has more than once got himself in tight spots because of this. It is usually his own obstinance that gets him into trouble: he refuses to ask for help, sometimes even thinking he will not need the help, and remembers too late -- or finds out on the spot -- that he simply can't do the things he used to anymore.

First Person Sample:
[Castiel's voice is flat, tone broken only by subtle hints of pain and exhaustion. The video feed will show the dock behind him] This would be an ideal time for someone to tell me where I am.

[He pauses a moment, head tilted slightly to the side. He's concerned; that much is evident by the slightly furrowed brow.] I was with two people. Brothers. I assume they wouldn't have quietly allowed themselves to be manhandled onto a dock. [There is absolutely no trace of wryness in his tone. It's simple fact: the Winchesters would cause trouble where and when they could.] Tell me if they've been seen.

[A beat.] I won't ask twice.

[If one was watching, they might see that hard expression slip as he moves to look around, eyes slipping closed and mouth tightening. He's exhausted. He's in pain. He's... never going to admit it. He's almost talking to himself, evidently having neglected to turn off the device. The video feed is shaky now, held in a trembling hand and forgotten.]

Not what I expected. I could not have been that displaced. My flight should never have been this unreliable. I wonder if perhaps... [A harsh, wet cough cuts him off. The video jerks wildly before going dark.]

Third Person Sample:
This pain was his punishment. He'd rebelled against God, against his brothers, and fought for humanity and this was his punishment. Castiel flatly refused to groan as he shifted, trying to get his hands under his shoulders. If this was his due, then he'd face it standing, not lying prone. His fingers scraped lightly against wood and he frowned without opening his eyes. It simply didn't make sense to him that the surface he was laying on was rocking gently. It was then that the light sound of water lapping against wood reached him.

So peaceful. Castiel could have drifted away to that rhythmic soft splashing. It was tempting, at the very least. Pressure built behind his eyes and that too-familiar burning settled into his chest. Once upon a time, these would have been foreign sensations. Now, Castiel knew without a doubt what was coming next; he'd have a very unpleasant next few days. In the back of his mind, he wondered if the Winchesters had been successful in their bid to save Sam. He'd check on them, if he could find them. If he could even find their decade.

The wood was rough under his palms, but the sharp explosion of pain in his chest chased away all thought when he pushed himself to his hands and knees. The burning gave way to harsh coughing. Blood splattered on the wood between his hands. He might have been more fascinated by the act of coughing up blood if he wasn't acutely worried that he'd done irreparable damage to himself and to the vessel he inhabited.

He barely had time to register that he really was in a boat, much less catch his breath, before a hand closed in the back of his coat. He wasn't sure exactly what happened -- it was all a blur of painful movement and he was fairly certain he didn't actually do much to help it along -- but he found himself off the boat and deposited onto a dock.

Passing strange, but Castiel had no spare thought to give it. He would stand first. It made no sense, not even as he thought it, but one must stand to face something different. And if standing failed -- which was looking likely -- then he at least refused to fall into the river. Wrapping an arm around his ribs did little to ease the burning pressure, but it was at least something. Castiel straightened as best he could and walked as straight as he could.

If this was his punishment for doing the right thing, then so be it. He had no regrets.

character info, player contact

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