i know THIS is true all right...

Aug 18, 2009 20:27

You Don't Wear the Pants in Your Relationship
Your sweetie has most of the power in your relationship, and you may like it that way.
You feel like you can relax when someone else is calling the shots.

There's nothing wrong with this arrangement, as long as your feelings are being taken into account.
But if your partner is taking advantage of your kindness, you may need to reevaluate your relationship.
Who Wears the Pants in Your Relationship?

1. Who would you consider “switching teams” for?
Yeah, not happening.

2. Do you prefer to give or receive?
Both. It's not really good sex without both, is it?

2. One night stands- What’s the protocol? Stay the night or get the hell outta there?
See ya.

3. Quickie or long and slow?
Whatever I can get.

4. Noisy or quiet?
She's noisy. I'm quiet.

5. Ideal amount of sex per week?
I'd be happy with five times a week.

6. Number one arousal trigger?

7. What constitutes bad sex?

8. Has anyone ever gone beyond your personal line of respect sexually?

9. Define sexy?
My fiancee.

10. Remember the best sex you ever had. What made it special?
She did.


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