
Oct 21, 2006 16:17

作詞・作曲:城島茂 編曲:吉岡たく Co-arrange:村田陽一

『うん 愛(あい)してる(*^_^*)』  ・・・素直(すなお)に言(い)えたアノ日(ひ)―――――――。

愛(あい)してるだけじゃ  上手(うま)くはいかないヨと
誰(だれ)かに語(かた)ってた  わかってるつもりでした

心(こころ)の限度額(げんどがく)超(こ)えてく  好(す)きな想(おも)い≦現実(げんじつ)

さあ 週末(しゅうまつ)はどこへ行(ゆ)こう  君(きみ)の好(す)きなとこでいいから
ちょっと待(ま)って!・・・そこ(;^_^A テレビで昨日(きのう)やってた場所(ばしょ)じゃない!?
混(こ)みそうだから例(たと)えばここは? 僕(ぼく)が生(う)まれ育(そだ)った場所(ばしょ)!
・・・悟(さと)られたくないFriday night, tonight(>_<)
To be free, next day! Good night!!

先月(せんげつ)は多(おお)すぎたナァ 支払(しはら)い業務(ぎょうむ)ウンヌンカンヌン
今月(こんげつ)は愛(あい)に走(はし)る!  心(こころ)に限度(げんど)は無(な)い!!

そんなもんはあと! あと! 後回(あとまわ)し!!
余(よ)の辞書(じしょ)に「限度額(げんどがく)」は無(な)い!!!  自由(じゆう)なオレ♡≦彼女(かのじょ)

さあ 週末(しゅうまつ)は何(なに)食(た)べよう?  僕(ぼく)の好(す)きなものでいいかな?
『ちょっと待(ま)って  それ喧嘩(けんか)になるヨ( -_-)』って  そんな先手(せんて)打(う)たないで(T_T)/˜
なんか週(しゅう)がわりブーム変(か)わる  旨(うま)いモノがありすぎるから
フットワーク軽(かる)くして  それでも
追(あ)いつかないやい  Friday night, tonight(@_@;)

さあ 週末(しゅうまつ)は何(なに)をしよう そう 週明(しゅうあ)けはすぐ来(く)るけど
離(はな)すなよ この腕(うで)を どんな日(ひ)も いつの日(ひ)も

さあ 週末(しゅうまつ)は何処(どこ)へ行(ゆ)こう? 君(きみ)の好(す)きなとこでいいから
混(こ)みそうだから例(たと)えばここは?  僕(ぼく)が生(う)まれ育(そだ)った場所(ばしょ)!
・・・悟(さと)られたくないFriday night, tonight(☆_☆)
To the end, next week! Bye-bye!

愛(あい)してる  うぅ・・・(*_*)愛(あい)してるゥ  素直(すなお)に  言(い)わせろヨ(>_<)y˜˜˜

Matters of my love and my kitchen

"Do you love me?♡"
"Yeah  I love you(*^_^*)"  ...I said it so simply that day―――――――

You need more than 'I love you'   to make it work
I said that to someone  I thought I knew that

'work' 'parents' 'hanging out with friends'
What I calculated for this month's allowance
I'm way past my heart's maximum amount  'I love you'≦Reality

Well where should we go this weekend?  Your choice
Wait a sec!...That's(;^_^A the place that was on TV yesterday, right!?
It might be crowded so how about here?  The place I was born and raised!
"...Do you love me?(-_-;)" Why do you ask me now?!
...I don't want her to find out Friday night, tonight (>_<)
To be free, next day! Good night!!

Last month was too much  Payment services and so on and so forth
This month I go with love!  My heart has no limits!!

'fashion' 'new music' and...'cell phone upgrade'(▔□▔;)
That stuff later! Later! They can wait!!
There is no 'maximum amount' in my dictionary!!!  My freedom♡≦My girlfriend

Now where should we eat this weekend?  Can it be my choice?
"Wait a minute That'll turn into a fight( -_-)" Don't shoot me down so fast(T_T)/˜
Every week seems to be a new trend  There are too many delicious things around
With light footwork  Even then
I can't keep up Friday night, tonight (@_@;)

Well what should we do this weekend?  Yeah, the weekday will come soon, but
Don't let go of my arm Any day Everyday

So where should we go this weekend?  Your choice
Wait a sec!...That's(◎-◎;) the place that was on TV yesterday, right?
It might be crowded so how about here?   The place I was born and raised!
"...Do you love me?(-_-メ)" Why do you ask that now?
...I don't want her to find out Friday night, tonight (☆_☆)
To the end, next week! Bye-bye!

I love you  Ohh...(*_*)I love you  Let me say it honestly(>_<)y˜˜˜

I really do like these lyrics and they're so much more when you read the lyrics with all of the faces and symbols. You can see a whole story unfold and what this cute couple is like. But seriously, this was the most painful one to type out. I hope everyone can see them. They work on my computer, but yeah....

lyrics, album, harvest, joshima, single, dvd, translation

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