Harvest appeared in the number two slot in
Oricon's album daily ranking! Yay!!! And Sorafune is still in the top ten for
the week and top 20 in
dailies. With TOKIO on Music Station tomorrow, sales may go up again. (^_^)
TOKIO's been putting strength into advertising. Nagase sent out a text message to all TOKIO J-web subscribers about the album ("We have a new album out! And by 'we' I mean TOKIO.") and Taichi told everyone on TAHICHI to listen to the CD over and over until the CD gets destroyed and then go out and buy another one. (^_^)
Also, I can't confirm Nagase's apperance on Joshima's radio show since I don't get it in my area, but last night I heard Nagase say he and Matsuoka will both be on TOKIO Night CLUB this week. (^_^) Tokyo broadcast is Saturday night.