Water, Land and Sky by ~
AntiSpy on
deviantART Gorgeous picture, eh?
So at the beginning of the summer I made a list of things I wanted to do, and underlined the things I did... so here is what I did (and didn't) do.
-gain a few new artists music-wise that I like
-get a job
-write a few short stories
-fix my self a better wardrobe out of thrift shop stuff
-work on my makeup skills
-scare some people by just being myself
-volunteer somewhat
-make friends with a complete stranger
-dress like every different stereotype, and go out in public and see the reactions
-spend at least an hour just pampering my cats
-write music to at least 2 of my songs
-find a new TV/webseries to get hooked on
-learn about a new subject
-throw a five on rifle/four on sabre
-take more pictures of my life and those I love.
-Hang out in a cafe and draw stuff.
I only didn't do 5 things! ^^ That's not bad! Out of 16, anywayz.
Blaghghghgh, summer reading Huckleberry Finn, I need to write 6 more pages of analysis... blaghgh. It can't be over! Noooo... oh well...