Jun 29, 2007 14:30
01. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
02. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
03. You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your blog or journal.
04. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
05. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. And so on and so on and so on...
I got these questions from speechie42. Cool person. ^^
1. Just how gutter-minded are you?
2. What do you think, is it proper internet ettiquette to ask someone what sex they are (I mean, it's not like usernames are much help)?
3. What's your favorite sci-fi movie?
4. In your opinion, is there a difference between bottled water and tap water?
5. What's your favorite cracker (ritz, triscuit, animal, etc)?
1. If I had to categorize my thoughts in 'clean' and 'dirty' about 15% of it would be dirty. Usually, unless it's brought to my attention, I'm naive about it. xD
2. I don't think it's proper because well, what if you're talking to a transsexual? Or if the person doesn't feel comfortable saying that to a stranger? I guess if you've been talking to them for a while and feel comfortable chatting with them, it's an offhand, "Hey, guy or girl?" than I guess it's okay. Not like, "Hi" and then "M/F?" (That just seems like you're after something.)
3. That would have to be X-Men movies (that's sci-fi, right? Cause of all the genetics involved, and stuff?) Though the comics totally rocked over the the movies... Or if that doesn't count, Back to the Future 2. Love that car.
4. There is a difference in some of the bottled waters that claim stuff like 'Purified 3 times by our extra-sensitive cleaners' taste nastier than anything else. I like tap water. That's why I wait until people finish their bottled water and steal their bottles and fill it with tap. Which probably is not hygenic at all but who's counting germs?
5. The ones in those little plastic baggies (not saltines, the other kind) that you spread cheese on and the cheese clings and it doesn't crumble when you smear the cheese on. It has it's own crunchy flavor, like buttered wafer or something.
Wow. I typed a lot. I'm sorry. ^^;
I made weapon line, and am ecstatic. I didn't think I would make sabre or rifle until my last season of guard, but in my second season, I did it! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! (All you guardies out there get me, right?)
interview quiz