(no subject)

Oct 18, 2005 21:19

so today was una dia buena :) hehe. our bus got us late to school AGAINNNN but this time they announced it so i didnt get marked tardy. thenn science we got to roam the school again and i got to take pictures :D! uhh then spanish was good, and LA was boring and got some sleep in during the test. then after school, i talked to my mom for like half an hour, then went upstairs and was like "im gonna do my hw, no distractions" and justin calls-- "hey i'm at your house" and i went out and it ends up his mom told him to get out of the house... so he rode his moped over and stayed till i hadda leave.  so cecchetti actually went well!! terri was in a good mood and she told me how to get my arabesque higher :) n my feet werent bleeding today, YAY! then the game was good, lol, i couldnt see when we were performing cuz my hat went over my eyes and i tripped, haha it was awesome.

so the point of this entry is so i can get off my comp, shower, and get la tarea finished.
<3 love to all, and g'nite!
FAVOR: if i write anything this week about plans after the game on friday, yell at me-- cuz i needa start/finish my spanish project due monday.. cuz i hav nothing done :( i dont hav time all this week tho. tomm: bsit till 5, dance 5:30, dinner for bro's bday after. thurs- poms (so i hav a lil time). fri- game then PROJECTO! lol so yeah, just remind me i hafta do my hw... please and thanks :)
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