May 11, 2010 23:52
Who: Marla and Keenser
What: Marla's freaked out about what happened during the thumos plant incident
Where: Engine room
Marla made her way down to the engine room, trying to hold back the flood of tears threatening to spill from her eyes. She wished she could have waited for Keenser to be finished with his shift, but the more time she spent alone and cooped up in her office, the more she thought about what had happened with Sanjay, and the more she wanted to burst into tears. Even though it wasn't his fault, or hers, that the two of them had been acting so strangely, the thought that she'd kissed and cuddled with someone she hardly knew just made her skin crawl. That wasn't her. She'd been so bold, and now that she was herself again, it scared her. She didn't want to be that person.
She kept her head down, staring at the floor. What was she going to tell Keenser? She didn't know. She just needed to talk to someone about what had happened, and Keenser was her friend, and people talked about stuff like that to friends, right? She mumbled a few questions about where he was and eventually she got herself pointed in the right direction. But when she got there, he wasn't anywhere to be found. "Um. Keenser?" she asked, glancing up, her brow furrowed. "Um. Where... where are you?"
character: keenser,
character: marla mcgivers