May 09, 2022 20:41
So I started a new job a few months ago which I love.
On a works night out, I met a guy called Jamie he works with an ex pupil from Windale.
I’m desperate to see the pupil again as I spent so much time with him when he was in yesr 2,3&4.
So Jamie said we should organise a trip together.
So we have, we have a day arranged and I’ve spoken to management who are happy.
BUT, I didn’t talk about specifics like where we’re going etc I just asked if I could visit the pupil and they agreed.
I feel totally out of control because I don’t know what’s going on. I hate these kind of things. I feel like I’m new and shouldn’t be encouraging us to go out on a day trip and maybe it’s a bit much for the pupil?
I’m worried he won’t even remember me. If he does, does he want to go out for the whole day? Oh god, it makes me feel sick I’m so anxious.
Also a massive part of this is because Jamie is actually pretty hot and it makes me feel really awkward. I just really bloody hate all this.
I hate that I’m going to have to turn up and I don’t know where to park, I don’t know how it’s going to go. I don’t know if he’ll remember me and it might just all be highly embarrassing… all in front of Jamie which is what makes it all worse!
I also cannot stop thinking about Jamie. Literally cannot stop. I’m lying awake at night thinking about him and can’t sleep.
I think about him all day.
I’m so bloody tired of just thinking about him! I really want to know if he thinks about me… I feel like he made it quite clear on the night we met he liked me. He chatted to me a lot, chatted to a couple of other people and then would come back. He made me hold his drink while he went to the toilet… just little things like that.
It’s so bad.
But also so bloody awkward. I feel sick I’m so anxious about what will happen on Thursday and I cannot chill about it.
I need to message him to confirm details and I think that will make me feel better but that initial meeting will be awkward as hell and I just want it over with. I haven’t been sleeping because I’ve just been going over and over it. I’m hoping by writing it down it will get it out my system because I just really need some sleep 😴
I think I’m abit excited too, if I get to spend the day with Jamie and it’s as fun as the night out, it will be a good day for my ego.
But, what if he’s like yikes you don’t look anything like you did on that night? Haha, oh god.
I just want all this out my brain. I think I just need to message him tomorrow. I know that I’ll be free on Thursday, i’ve checked so I just need to confirm everything.
I want him to prep/check with the pupil and see if he remembers me/wants to go offsite.
Will I be able to understand the pupil and can Jamie translate?!?!!
I want to know what time, where we’re going etc and then I just need to get the initial meet over with and that will be the awkward bit out of the way. I will message Jamie and tell him all this because then if it’s awkward hopefully we can laugh about it.
So many bloody anxieties. Argggrggrggghh!
Please, please let this all be off my chest now. I want to sleep, I want to stop thinking about him.
Offload done.
Head clear.
I can sleep.