
Nov 04, 2012 23:53

Wow, where to start? So Work has been pretty insane since coming back in September... We had a child protection issue to deal with that really hit me emotionally. The strain of it can still be seen on me as my skin is like full blown acne along both jaw lines which indicates hormonal stress (or so the internet tells me!). I have conquered the cysts once a month by cutting out milk but will definitely go back on the pill in about a week because my skin just will not get a chance to heal otherwise. Work and this out break has made me feel pretty awful. I battled with my emotions over the situation at work, the residents involved,the best decision to make for everyone involved. It was a total up and down rollercoaster. Unfortunately, I don't have closure on the issue as it is technically still and ongoing investigation but I am trying to just get on with things and realise I can't do anything about it, so have to live and learn from what I have experienced.
To top everybting off, my nan got diagnosed with cervical cancer about a month ago. She's currently undergoing 6 weeks of radiotherapy which I think is taking it's toll. I honestly don't know how well she'll be able to put up a fight towards this cancer, even though it's in it's early stages. I think the radiotherapy is possibly the eorst bit because it's making her tired and she's doing even less than before.
My Grandad seems to be doing ok. He's not 100% which I miss so much about him, but he seems happy and it's nice to see him improving all the time.
I went back to Wolverhampton for a lot of the half term just gone, saw Hannah after her year away! It was weird that it wasn't weird to see her after so long!
I spent a couple of days at a spa with my mom which was awesome, I miss her so much.

I can't believe it's nearly midnight, unsurprisingly I'm wide awake even though I have work tomorrow. This half term has gone waaay too quick :( such a contrast from normal so i'm finding it sad!

Finally, I'll end things on a postive; that I'm going to Iceland next year with Nic and Mel! So happy I have something to look forward to!

Over and out x

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