Sep 15, 2011 19:30
[ Behold, an image of a nervous looking man, neither young nor especially old, all bony features and usually combed hair gone wild with anxious fingers mussing it and a face that is a little greasy with sweat. His surroundings are his room. His eyes are fixed avid on the lens in his communicator, simply staring for a few seconds before he clears his throat, and speaks, accent received pronunciation English, or so it would be understood-- ]
I thought I might ask if. If I've been...
[ The word drags out of him. ]
[ No. That's the wrong question. ]
No. Never mind. I think I'm looking for someone. A woman? She is-- you know. I don't actually remember her name.
But, um.
Any help at all really, would be appreciated. Cheers.
am i the only one who finds this weird,
[rpg] lastvoyages