Myspace bulletin, I published earlier ^_^

Nov 26, 2006 17:34

Okay I'm getting a wee bit annoyed with people.

All of my contacts are into double digits now, and are in senior school/ have left/ whatever.....

So could somebody please explain to me the problem that some people currently have with typing in english??

Point #1
WhAt Is ThE fAsCiNaTiOn WiTh TyPiNg LiKe ThIs?????
Capital letters are used at the beginning of names and sentences etc....not in the middle of words!!!!

Point #2
Y do u av 2 tlk lyk dis al d tym???
I can understand in certain circumstances, eg texting or if you are in a hurry to type something, but when it's 24/7 for everything, it gets a tad annoying and tbh chavvy- like you can't be bothered.

But even worse is when it doesn't even save time, for example:

Typing "ma" instead of "my"
Look at your keyboard- the Y key is nearer to the M key than the A key is......what's all that about?????????

Point #3
Please PLEASE PLEASE just think about what you're typing or copying and pasting.

Somebody just reposted a set of questions, in which one of the questions was this:

16. Have you ever went out with any one of them?

Come on guys! Any monkey can see how that question should be worded!!!!!!

Anyway, moan over. I'm not getting at anyone, I just wondered if you'd mind just thinking before you type.

I don't like chavvy typing =(


Okay, thoughts guys: was I too harsh? ^_^
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