Sep 23, 2004 10:19
Ok here's my dilima~ I have always had people do things for me when it came to most things in my life until i got out of highschool. I didnt make appointments, i didnt sched. practices, i was always told what to do and where to do it, and for the most part i leave that to chris now, Lately though, i have found, that I am finding it hard to adjust to the real world........
i was out three days of work last week, well i went back sat. and sun, and on monday when i got in my manager said that i had to have a release to come back, well i sent the form in, i am off tues and wed, but i went back wed to pick it up and it wasnt done. i called thursday morning and my doctor still hadnt filled it out, so i called work and told my boss, he said i NEEDED to get it done in kinda a short tone, well then i had to call my doctor again, she said she would call me when my doctor finished it, she hasnt, i was supposed to be at work at 8:30 am, its 10:22. I dont know how to get this done, i know that it doesnt do any good getting upset, my doctor has to fill out the form or send a written release and yellin at the secretary there wont help. but my point behind all this bitching is that this all has made me realize, i handled my friends, i handled my dad, my coaches, my sisters, but never anyone who would actually not let me have my way (which i know is shallow) and i am finding it quit difficult to push people who are anchored in place, but i guess thats part of being an adult, you have to do things on your own............................
wish me luck,