Dec 16, 2004 20:15
It has been a long day today. To start my day off, I go to get Tony up for school, and he's sleeping in Tyler's bed. I ask him why and he tells me he puked in his bed. So I turn on the light and sure enough, all over the sheets, his new spongebob blanket & pillow. It was gross. So at 6 in the morning I'm doing pukey laundry. Tony is coming down with croup for the umpteenth time in the past 2 months. The boys just pass it back and forth and it never really leaves this house. It sucks. With Tony having asthma, it's like ten times worse than normal. He seems ok, but not his normal, wild child self.
Tyler on the other hand, is still going strong. He's so much more adventurous than what Tony was at 19 months. He's forever getting into what he isn't supposed to, climbing on the kitchen table to sit there, climbing on the back of the couch, onto Tony's bed to turn the light on and off, climbing on toilet to try to brush his teeth. I could go on and on. He is trying alot more to try to talk. He can say mama, dada, nana, papa, bubba ( Tony's nickname ), ball, bye, what's that, done ( or what sounds like it ). He's the kind of kid that just likes to point and whine. I always tell him to tell me what you want, don't point and whine. The other morning he was sitting in his high chair and is whining and I ask him, what do you want. And as clear as day he says "POP". He seen a pop can on the counter and wanted some. After telling him no and him throwing a fit, he settled for some o.j. What a trip I tell ya.
I actually have all my christmas shopping done. What a relief. No last minute running to do or fighting with the crowds. I hate crowds. Now I can try to sit back and relax. Yeah right, not with 2 kids running around. Oh well.