[OPEN LOG] Set after the final bell on Friday, for anyone trying out/forced to attend theater!

Dec 18, 2009 03:59

[Welcome to the auditorium of Triple-D High! It looks something like this, only I've decided that the stadium seating isn't as steep and the chairs aren't that uncomfortable. Make of it what you will ( Read more... )

virus, high school, dramatic entrances welcome!, where is your god now?

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halfthetroubl December 18 2009, 20:53:57 UTC
[Devit's slumped in one of the chairs with his chin in his hands, looking thoroughly unhappy about being here. The only saving grace is that fact that he'll either get an embarrassing picture of Michael Trinity or a chance to break Tim Wayne's fingers.

Maybe both.]


tntandgasoline December 18 2009, 21:01:12 UTC
[Kerr shouts out directions to a few of the freshmen before turning to look at the forlorn Devit.] Why the sour face? This is your own fault. [He leaps off the stage and heads over, frowning critically.] How do you like killing?


halfthetroubl December 18 2009, 21:10:54 UTC
[Devit bristles and glares. How is this his fault?! As far was he's concerned, this is all because of that stupid Wayne. Urgh, what he'd give to smack him around!

He leans back in his chair and folds his arms over his chest, glowering some more.]

What, like 'stab stab, you're dead' with a fake sword? Bor-ing.


tntandgasoline December 18 2009, 21:45:06 UTC
Oh, no. [Kerr easily flops into the seat next to Devit's, propping his feet up on the chair in front of him.] No fake swords. The character I have in mind for you is Aaron. [He spreads his hands out,] He's known as the worst Shakespearean villain, utterly remorseless. "Ten thousand worse than ever yet I did, would I perform if I might have my will. If one good deed in all my life I did, I do repent it from my very soul."

[A giggle, like it's a joke,] It's amazing. Unless you, uh, prefer being a hero.


halfthetroubl December 19 2009, 08:46:34 UTC
[Devit scoffs and rolls his eyes.] Please. Heroes are overrated. [And so is Shakespeare, in his (woefully ignorant and uncultured) opinion. It's all flowery language and trite stories to him.] And what happened to Demetriwhatever his name is?


tntandgasoline December 19 2009, 08:59:20 UTC
I got bored of it. Besides, that's an easy fill. Aaron is harder.


halfthetroubl December 19 2009, 09:49:05 UTC
Man, come on! I don't even want to be in this stupid play. You could at least give me a role where I get to smack that jerk's character around. I was looking forward to it!


tntandgasoline December 20 2009, 06:57:17 UTC
[...A slow smile.]

You really want to be Demetrius?


halfthetroubl December 20 2009, 23:00:50 UTC
[arrogantly raises his chin, convinced he has total control of this situation]

Yeah. I mean, what I really want is not to do this at all, but seeing as I don't have a choice...


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