Mar 26, 2005 09:16
It's been awhile since my last update because I've been busy with all the comments on my last entry. Let's see if I can get more than 2 comments actually ABOUT the entry instead of 40 comments about something not even close to the subjects I wrote about.
On the Friday of spring break, I went over to Jo's and pure music 0wnage ensued. We finished 2 complete songs that majorly kickass and all that's left now is to add in the 2 other parts. The awesome secret we have discovered is thus:
1. Watch an episode of Family Guy. It doesn't matter which episode, they are all fucking hilarious and I recommend everyone watch every single episode there is.
2. Make up songs/practice for an hour and a half. It is in this period in which the excellent ideas just floooow.
3. Rinse and repeat. it again for you retards out there.
So of course, that was an awesome day.
Saturday brought the day of the Take Action Tour. It was my first show and it was fucking awesome. The best bands we heard were Underoath, Rufio and Kladdispring. I'm not sure how to spell that last one because they had a weird name but had some tight music. Ah theres not much I can just say about it, but if you ask me in person I'd be glad to explain it.
That night, I had Wendy's and then rushed over to Tinseltown to see The Ring 2 with Kimmy, Greg W., Steph and Lori. My god those girls are the biggest wusses i've ever known. The movie was ok, nowhere near as good as the first though. The funniest part wasn't even in the movie. This black guy in front of us stood up and cussed out some group of girls in the back row that were making a lot of noise. I learned later that night that my sister was in that every group of girls lol.
Since spring break school has been alright, we haven't really done much. I'm 0wning in apush though, i've gotten 100's on the last 3 quizzes. I'm also doing pretty good in calculus. Spanish by far though is my favorite class, we've been watching a gross movie with incest in it that is so easy to make fun of haha. Colby, Chelsea and I just comment through the whole thing and its hilarious lol.
Well I am done for now because I'm going to go eat lunch so have a good Easter break everybody.
- blade out