Aug 08, 2005 16:32
60% of incoming freshman attend Boiler Gold Rush, a week long orientation-ish program before school starts for "getting to know other freshman." Also included: boring presentations about adjusting to college life. Yeah fuck it I'm definitely not going to that. I heard it sucks, they play duck duck goose, and its just an excuse for frats to find people to rush. BUT theres a good chance (60%) that my roommate will be going. Which means he will be leaving this weekend. Thats right less than a week. And I STILL have not talked to him. He should have gotten the letter I wrote him as a last resort today actually. No phoning. No emailing. even if hes not going to BGR, I'm still moving in next weekend. Next friday actually (i think). Thats less than two weeks away!!!!
In other news, I have to go do other things. Bye.