(no subject)

Sep 03, 2005 19:25

i was looking at people's old entry and i'm still really bored, so i did old quizes. yay!

How to make a Tony Nguyen

1 part friendliness

1 part brilliance

3 parts instinct
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Top it off with a sprinkle of lustfulness and enjoy!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com

TTerrificOOverwhelmingNNerdyYYum NNaiveGGentleUUnnaturalYYummyEEasyNNutty
Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com

Your Icecream Flavour is...
French Vanilla!

You're a smooth and silky suave type! You exude class and you believe in tradition. A classical taste who doesn't like things to be too flashy or showy. Climb the Eiffel tower of taste with a spoonfull of you! Oui Oui!
What is your Icecream Flavour?

Find out at Go Quiz

Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK]
You are Trendy...
You're a trendsetter.. well more of a trend follower. You have a few 'cool' friends who don't mind you hanging around for a laugh. It won't be long before you're climbing the ladder to cool status. Keep up the good work!!
Cool quizzes at Go-Quiz.com

tnnguyen HighwayValley of Depression8Paintown14Lake Love53Childbirth Hospital120Bankruptcity572Please Drive CarefullyWhere are you on the highway of life?

From Go-Quiz.com

Tony HighwayBog of Eternal Marriage7Bankruptcity15Paintown43Wealthville164Family Farm410Please Drive CarefullyWhere are you on the highway of life?

From Go-Quiz.com

Tony Nguyen HighwayDumpsville4Confusion Lane15Loony-Bin Lane65Lake Love107Contentment Meadows549Please Drive CarefullyWhere are you on the highway of life?

From Go-Quiz.com

NOTE: zNo smoking around tnnguyen. Thankyou for your co-operation.
From Go-Quiz.com

Informationi Tony is a restricted area. Authorised personel only
From Go-Quiz.com

�Tony Nguyen has fragile contents which may break!
From Go-Quiz.com

i think that's enough for now. hope you had fun with this.
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