freedom at one

Aug 02, 2005 22:46

tomorrow is the last day i have to go to theory classes for at least a month! my exodus from anything remotely relating to relaxing for more than a weekend will be done. unfortunately, i won't be able to do much with anyone to celebrate tomorrow because i need to go home to cook dinner tomorrow night (yes, you all read that correctly... i'm cooking dinner). friday is when the celebrating really happens cause i'm going to jilliane's cottage. i'm gonna bring some cheesecake i'm making on thursday; white chocolate amaretto cheesecake... so good!

speaking of amaretto, lauren went to get some for me and her this morning (mainly for the cheesecake, but i want to have some too). i just love hull... it's so easy to get booze there. anyways, i'm going to her house on thursday for a while before going to the beach. everyone should come. anyways, everyone should update - since summer started, everyone's kind of weird. there's also never anyone to talk to either. everyone's here or they're all gone. life's a bitch. it sort of makes me want school to start...but then i'll have tons of work cause school started. paradoxes give me headaches........ aaaahhhh!!! i need to sleep now......
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