(no subject)

Apr 16, 2006 01:17

it's now 1:17 am in the morning.

i can't sleep so i'm updating my lj and working on my english essay.

talk about being so lame. i've also been reading people's past lj entries (most recently josh's) and some are so hilarious! music geek jokes are great (music geeks forever!). anyways, this long weekend has been awesome so far. i've sat around watching tv, sat at my computer planning - actually i'm done planning it, but that's not the point - a surprise birthday party for caitlin eisner, and today, i did a whole bunch of driving all over ottawa. in fact, i haven't done any work (music practicing or homework) up until now. it's been a great distraction from the drama between everyone lately and the crappiness i've felt because of it. but i really don't want to deal with it now, so let's move right along...

i think i actually like planning stuff like surprise parties. normally, i'd insist on getting other people to help or even plan it themselves, but it's different now. it's really fun. maybe that's what i'll do when i'm bored between now and the summer... anyone want me to plan a surprise party?

i've also been listening to a lot of josh's band, the yardstick society. they're really awesome and despite having only four of their songs, i've cycled through the four songs for the past hour. everyone should check them out:


i was all pumped to go see improv tonight, or ummm... i guess last night, but unfortunately, jimmy got bumped from the top five by the toronto team of rosedale heights. it really sucks that jimmy isn't in the finals. shouts out to jimmy anyways... you're fantastic!

so i no idea where this update is going... and i can see that it's just all the random thoughts in my head coming out. maybe i'll try going back to wrting my essay. yeah, i'm gonna go do that.

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