Nov 24, 2012 01:29
Did you know that the class of antibiotics including Cipro can cause depression and suicidal thoughts? WELL, THEY CAN.
My sis can't take Cipro anymore due to her acting batshit crazy each and every time she's been prescribed this med.
Well, I was prescribed Levofloxacin and it has the same blah-blah warnings about crazy, suicidal tendencies as Cipro. Luckily, my batshit is at maximum capacity already, so it seems I am only going to have weird dreams to deal with.
Just thought I'd mention it. Meds are the weird friends you can't take anywhere because they might get you in a fight or shoplift. They're your friends, but sometimes you wonder if it's worth it.
I think I may change General Practitioners. I went to the tiiiny clinic in "town" for my SECOND CASE of sinusitis/bronchitis, because this time there was blood and gore TMI issuing from my nasal passages. I rode out the first case, but the gore = doc time. The tiiiiny clinic is five seconds from my house and I didn't have the $$$ for my regular doc. Okay? Okay. The place is run by a Nurse Practitioner and his RN wife. This guy is WICKED SMAHT. When ask about allergies over the past DECADE, I've ALWAYS mentioned the drug "Timentin" and NOBODY KNOWS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. Since I am BUT A LOWLY, UNEDUCATED PEON, I always get the "she's a lowly uneducated peon" look from both docs and nurses when I mention Timentin. THIS GUY KNEW IT WAS AN EXPERIMENTAL ANTIBIOTIC OFF THE TOP OF HIS HEAD IN .0002 SECONDS. HE FUCKING WINS. He also only charged me $50 for the office visit and two injections since I was a no insurance, cash patient. So, since we have WICKED SMAHT + WILLING TO UNDERCHARGE THE POOR, we may just have a new, long-suffering doc of me. I'm certain he'll be so frikkin' thrilled.
for serious,
random crap,
sincerity time!,
crazy train,
we're all gonna die,
me me me,
brb-rl attack