If my sister doesn't shut her yap, I'm going to cram a pair of panties from the bottom of the laundry hamper in her mouth.
She'd just yank 'em out and start blabbering again, so there's really no point. She knows I want an EXTRA DOSE of quiet on Friday evening. I suppose this is why she's telling me these really not interesting stories about her co-workers that I've never met and whose names are all some form of Jen. I'm serious. I'm a complete bastard because I can't remember 22 Fridays ago when Jen and Ginny were gossiping about the affair Jenny was having with Dr. Random Jackwad #9. AND NO, I DON'T KNOW WHERE THE THUMBTACK, LEAF BLOWER, PICKLED HERRING, FICUS AND VIAL OF MAGICAL POSSUM SALIVA ARE. YOU DESPERATELY NEED THESE THINGS TO PREPARE FOR WORK, SO PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF POSEIDON'S FISHY BEARD, LET ME JUMP UP AND SCAVENGE THE ENTIRE HOUSE.
Closet. Duct tape. One day, man. One day.
Argh, okay, I'm obviously a ray of sunshine. Work is happening, but in a really disorganized, insanely illogical clusterfuck type of way and they're making us DO IT WRONG. My employers continue to be cement headed morons. Me and the co-workers have decided that we'd get much more done in an awesome, logical, efficient manner if the bosses just stayed home. It's really easy to demand things be done your way, even if your way is clearly stupid, if you don't actually have to do any of the things you are demanding. Maybe they'll ask us to pick out all the brown M&Ms only from a hot tub filled with them . That would make as much sense as anything else they've said to us this week.
Rant done. For now. I'm going to make another post, A BETTER POST, about skincare products. That's a nice thing to think about and I haven't done a beauty whore rec post in a while. Once I get the chattering, poo flinging monkey pushed out the door, it's on.