Mar 19, 2010 18:40
1. My new glasses were ready early! I CAN SEE! AND THEY'RE NOT SITTING SIDEWAYS ON MY HEAD! OR SLIPPING DOWN MY NOSE! OR GENERALLY SUCKING HARDCORE! Now I just need to not get sick and fall asleep in a chair while wearing them, which is exactly how I ruined up the last ones.
2. Part of my job is copying and faxing, which can sometimes take hours. Seriously, don't ask, there's a long explanation. I finally shook off the dead lice and loaded my Sansa mp3 player (it's red-love it) to keep me company during this tedious ordeal? SO MUCH BETTER. Drowning out the copy and fax noises is going to improve my mood 194%.
I will also mention that I already knew I was a music whore, but how much of a whore became even more clear last night when I ate 3G with only things I haven't gotten around to giving a proper listen. Okay, okay, I had to put **BOWIE and **THE STONES, FUCK YEAH, but the rest is pretty new. To me. New to me. My fogey ass is getting behind on the young people's devil music.
3. 70 degrees. 70 HELLACIOUSLY AWESOME-FINALLY-I AM SO HAPPY degrees. Even when I'm indoors, I feel so much better, because I know that walking outside isn't going to make me want to weep. Yeah, I'll be hiding in a pillow fort in a closet during every tornado watch, but I'll worry about that later. GLEEEEEEEEEEEE.
**BOWIE and THE STONES will always be ALL CAPS in this journal. Always. If you catch me forgetting to ALL CAPS, berate me severely.
random crap,
crazy tag abuse,
happy happy joy joy,
retail therapy,
me me me,
warm weather is a hell of a drug